Thursday, January 8, 2009

Show Me the Money

How do rich people become rich? First Globals are the most likely of any generation to believe that rich people were born wealthy. Nearly two thirds (63.3%) of First Globals strongly or somewhat agree that “in the USA, more often than not, rich people were born rich.” By contrast, only 34.9% of those over 65 feel the same way, with other generations falling in the middle.

Economic mobility – the ability to go from poor to rich within one’s lifetime – is often held up as one of the ideals of the U.S. as well as one of the things that (supposedly) makes us different from other countries. But it seems that First Globals are less likely to believe that economic mobility is the primary reason why rich people are rich. Why might that be? And how do you think most wealthy people come by their money?

1 comment:

JackWhistle said...

Oooh definitely the born rich option. Mostly because the majority of our nation has been addicted to credit cards. We are in debt to our eyeballs.
Strategically speaking, its not the position you want to be in if you want to become rich. Sun Tzu say! "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare." There are parallels to this credit situation (I think).
You want to slowly build up a reserve (or so I've heard) and then strike when the opportunity arises.
It's like a gigantic game of "Duck Hunt". If you waste all your shots before the bird flys out.. what are you gonna shoot it with?
Beyond that.. the deck has been kinda stacked against the "upward mobility" factor for the past 8 years. Guess why!
Bleh. Anywho.. to answer the question of why (in my opinion): Bad choices mixed with a bad situation. We basically kill our options before their born.