Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cry baby cry

Have we (the people of the developed world) turned into a bunch of whiners? Gregg Easterbrook, the author of "The Progress Paradox", suggests we have.

From "choice anxiety," in which life is made more difficult because of too many options and opportunities, to the vast amount of technologies which were created to save time -- when added all together, do they actually makes us feel life is more complicated? Think of cars, computers, homes with gadgets, appliances, heating and cooling systems, and many other products. Is the glass of life in the modern world half empty or half full?

The Zogby blog would like to know, will First Globals™ continue this trend or seek a more simplified lifestyle? And regarding the present, are you overwhelmed with all that you have, or do you feel like you just can't get enough?


Anonymous said...

this is not a problem of progress, but a problem with human psychology. people adapt to whatever good they get from the progress (antibiotics, air-conditioning etc) and then bitch about whatever it is that they don't have. "simple" life is not a solution and people living "simpler" lives were not happier (those lives were not simple at all. just making sure you don't starve could be a very complicated endeavor). in fact, there is no solution to this.

Vanek26 said...

How can the glass of life be just half empty or half full? I cannot understand that reasoning. All the choices we have to make in our everyday lives...we have what seems to be endless possibilities from everything as complicated as a Smart phone to everything as simple as a pill for a headache. Everything is there for us for the asking or the taking. Yet, we have "choice anxiety."

I have learned an important lesson in life. Less is more. The more simple your life is, the better it will be.

JackWhistle said...

Perhaps life is only difficult for those that aren't used to the abundance of "things". Choice is passing. Most people just choose whatever looks the best and stick with it. Generally until the gadget or whatever breaks they don't bother thinking about other choices. I've got a broke tablet right here! I'm not gonna get rid of it till I can't jury-rig it into (kinda) working any more.
Okay! To your questions:
No, no, the glass is half full, continue, and can't get enough.