When asked whether the government should regulate the content of the Internet the same way the government regulates the content of television and radio, First Globals overwhelmingly answer no. A generational divide regarding attitudes towards Internet censorship is apparent, with those over 65 the most likely of any age group to agree that government should regulate content (32.5%), those 18-29 the least likely of any age group to agree (14.7%), and other age groups falling in the middle
As First Globals grow older and have children, will they become more worried about the content of the Internet and more likely to support regulation -- or has the Internet become so indispensible for First Globals’ businesses and lifestyles that they would continue to resist Internet regulation? This particular survey question asked about “the Internet” as a whole. Might First Globals (and others) be more likely to support government regulation of specific aspects or sites on the Internet?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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I think that First Globals (and most others) support regulation of very limited aspects of the internet: things such as child pornography or other things that are similarly "illegal." As a First Global myself, I won't be more likely to support increased government regulation as I get older. I think many of us are disturbed when we hear about countries such as China that go to such lengths to regulate the internet, and if the U.S. were to start regulating the internet more vigorously similar concerns over freedom of speech and expression would arise.
I think this question is leading because it mentions government control which sounds bad. If you asked people whether they would prefer sites with child pornography or hate-speech to be shut-down I am not sure you would get the same result.
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