Saturday, November 15, 2008

This is our country

First Globals™ are the least likely of any generation to agree that they "support their country, right or wrong". Only 33.6% of First Globals™ agreed, compared to 45.7% of those 30-49, 46.7% of those 50-65, and 57.8% of those over 65.

Why would First Globals™ be the least likely to agree? Do you think they would be most likely to agree that dissent is patriotic? Will First Globals™ continue to hold these views as they get older, or is disagreeing to support your country right or wrong a view primarily held by young people only?


Anonymous said...

first globals, generally speaking, learned a different history than previous generations.

When I started college, they stopped calling it "Western Civilization." In fact I think very few colleges still have this class, as it has become a popular approach to study the history of interaction and borrowing of ideas. Not an approach that shows a society as special.

But in high school, world history has the same approach and many parts of the nation, and American history is now viewed from multi cultural perspective.

Anonymous said...

dissent is different from lack of support. one can agree that a certain war was a mistake while still making sacrifices for his country to win it.

Anonymous said...

Your so-called first globals have been indoctrinated in a government-run educational system which intent was to dumb the citizenry down and make them dependent upon government for all their needs. They are raised from pre-school on in a collectivist environment -- everyone shares with everyone else -- from each according to his ability, from each according to his need. They don't know HOW to succeed on their own.